
from mstrio.modeling.schema import SchemaManagement, SchemaLockType, SchemaUpdateType

from mstrio.connection import get_connection

PROJECT_NAME = '<project_name>'  # Project to connect to

conn = get_connection(workstationData, project_name=PROJECT_NAME)

# create an object to manage the schema
schema_mgmt = SchemaManagement(conn)

# get lock type of the schema
lock_t = schema_mgmt.lock_type

# unlock schema and get its status
lock_st = schema_mgmt.get_lock_status()

# Lock schema and get its status. Schema can be locked also with type
# Available values for SchemaLockType enum are in modeling/schema/
lock_st = schema_mgmt.get_lock_status()

# Reload schema. It is allowed not to provide an update type. Except for
# types below `TABLE_KEY` or `LOGICAL_SIZE` are also available.
# When schema is reloaded asynchronously then task is returned.
# Available values for SchemaLockType enum are in modeling/schema/
task = schema_mgmt.reload(
    update_types=[SchemaUpdateType.CLEAR_ELEMENT_CACHE, SchemaUpdateType.ENTRY_LEVEL]

# get list of tasks which are stored within schema management object (tasks
# are saved when `reload` is performed asyncronously)
tasks = schema_mgmt.tasks

# get all details about the first task which is stored within schema management
# object
task = schema_mgmt.get_task(task_index=0)

# get all details about the last task which is stored within schema management
# object
task_st = schema_mgmt.get_task(task_index=-1)

# unlock schema and get its status
lock_st = schema_mgmt.get_lock_status()