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Read AD Users

String strAdGroup = "ADGroup1"

try {
    //Read AD users by group name
    StringBuffer sADAllUsers = new StringBuffer();
    sADAllUsers.append("cmd /c dsget group \"CN="+strADGroup+",OU=Resource Access,OU=Groups,OU=Enterprise,DC=google,DC=co,DC=uk\" -members | dsget user -dn");
    Process procReadADUsers=Runtime.getRuntime().exec(sADAllUsers.toString());
    BufferedReader brInputReadADUsers = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(procReadADUsers.getInputStream()));
    BufferedReader brErrorReadADUsers = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(procReadADUsers.getErrorStream()));
    String sReadADUserErrors = null;
    String sReadADUser = brInputReadADUsers.readLine();
    String unprocessedUserDN = brInputReadADUsers.readLine();

    while (unprocessedUserDN!= null) {
        if((! unprocessedUserDN.equals("dsget succeeded"))) {
            sReadADUser =(unprocessedUserDN.substring((int)unprocessedUserDN.indexOf('=')+1,(int)unprocessedUserDN.indexOf(','))).trim().toLowerCase();
            printOut("AD Group:"+strAdGroup+", User:"+sReadADUser;
        unprocessedUserDN = brInputReadADUsers.readLine();

    while ((sReadADUserErrors = brErrorReadADUsers.readLine()) != null) {
        printOut("Error reading members of AD group "+strAdGroup+": "+sReadADUserErrors);

    int exitValue = procReadADUsers.waitFor();
    printOut("Exit Status: "+exitValue);
catch (Exception e) {
    printErr("Error reading properties file: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());

DSGET Command

Display user(s) from active directory.
(installable option either via AD DS or adminpack.msi)

DSGET user UserDN [-dn] [-samid] [-sid] [-upn] [-fn] [-mi] [-ln] [-display] [-empid] [-desc] [-office] [-tel] [-email] [-hometel] [-pager] [-mobile] [-fax] [-iptel] [-webpg] [-title] [-dept] [-company] [-mgr] [-hmdir] [-hmdrv] [-profile] [-loscr] [-mustchpwd] [-canchpwd] [-pwdneverexpires] [-disabled] [-acctexpires] [-reversiblepwd] [{-uc | -uco | -uci}] [-part PartitionDN [-qlimit] [-qused]]

DSGET user UserDN [-memberof] [-expand][{-uc | -uco | -uci}]

UserDN Distinguished Name of the user to view.

-dn Display the distinguished names
-samid Display the Security Account Manager (SAM) account names
-sid Display the user security identifiers (SIDs).
-upn Display the user principal names (UPNs)
-fn Display the first names
-mi Display the middle initials
-ln Display the last names
-display Display the display names
-empid Display the employee IDs
-desc Display the descriptions
-full Display the full names
-office Display the office locations
-tel Display the telephone numbers
-email Display the email addresses
-hometel Display the home telephone numbers
-pager Display the pager numbers
-mobile Display the mobile phone numbers
-fax Display the fax numbers
-iptel Display the user IP phone numbers.
-webpg Display the user Web page URLs.
-title Display the titles
-dept Display the departments
-company Display the company information
-mgr Display the managers
-hmdir Display the users home directory
-hmdrv Display the user's home drive letter
-profile Display the user profile paths
-loscr Display the user logon script paths
-mustchpwd Display whether users must change their passwords at next logon (yes/no).
-canchpwd Display whether users can change their password (yes/no).
-pwdneverexpires Display whether passwords never expire (yes/no).
-disabled Display whether user accounts are disabled (yes/no).
-acctexpires Display the dates when user accounts expire. (date/never)
-reversiblepwd Display whether user passwords will be stored with reversible encryption (yes/no).

-memberof Display the immediate list of groups of which the user is a member.
-expand Display the recursively expanded list of groups of which the user is a member.

-uc Unicode format
-uco Unicode format for output only
-uci Unicode format for input only

-part Connect to the directory partition PartitionDN
-qlimit Display the effective quota of the user within PartitionDN
-qused Display how much quota the user has used within PartitionDN


Find the list of groups, recursively expanded, to which the user Fred belongs:
C:\> dsget user "cn=fred,ou=Users,ou=AcmeCo,dc=ss64,dc=com" -memberof -expand

Display the distinguished name and description of domain controller Dom1:
C:\> dsget server CN=Dom1,CN=Servers,CN=AcmeCo,DC=ss64,DC=Com -dn -desc